There’s something reinvigorating about the first days of spring. As the flowers start to bloom, there’s an urge to shed off the old and start something fresh. The anticipation of warmer weather and sunnier days is enough to spark your endorphins after months holed up inside.
Here’s why we know Spring is the perfect time to cleanse your life of bad dating habits and start fresh again.
The happiness factor.
Yes, deep down you know springtime makes you and everyone around you happier. It seems as though you have that extra “spring” in your step - wonder why? Think about it, you find yourself being pulled outside on every beautiful spring day, right? Being social after the winter months seem to easily come with a ‘yes’ response. That’s all thanks to Mr. Sunshine! The sun increases the number of endorphins coursing through your body and endorphins are mood boosters. So naturally, people are happier, more eager to be social, and therefore, most importantly, open to the possibility of a relationship.
The confidence factor.
The sexiest accessory you can have is your confidence. Did you read that? It’s important enough to re-read it! The sexiest accessory you can have is your confidence!
With your mood boosted thanks to those re-energized endorphins, confidence should come with ease. As matchmakers, we are proponents of confidence, NOT arrogance. Confidence is attractive because it shows ease with oneself in knowing who you are and what you are all about. Arrogance on the other hand is a façade that hides your insecurities and can be smelt like a rotten fish from a mile away. The khaki pant swagger of a fraternity boy might get you a one night stand in college, but when cleansing of bad dating habits, this should be the first to go. It will make you look ridiculous and childish, like you lack confidence and are truly uncomfortable with who you are.
The “new” factor.
Spring is the perfect time to start fresh. Warmer weather opens up more opportunities and activities that you could do with friends, or someone special. Along with the mood boosting endorphins, your dopamine levels are also higher. Dopamine plays into our decision making and the things that we want. If you are wanting a new relationship, the desire for this will only be stronger in the springtime. So, get out there, let the world open up for you and start working towards finding your next something new!