Do you put too much pressure on a first date? If so, STOP!...and remember that a first date doesn’t need to be anything more than an opportunity to spend time getting to know someone new. A first date should be about gauging whether there is enough of a connection to want a second.
It’s as simple as that.
So don’t get caught up in the what if’s or the “he/she’s not the one.” Go into every date with an open mind and involve yourself in the process as much as possible. The more relaxed and present you are, the more your date will be too.
In case you need a few reminders on how to stay in a first date mindset, we’ve gone over our favorite tips below!
Before The Date
Mindset is everything. And it’s no different when getting ready for a first date. So set yourself up for success with a great first date mindset - take the time to mentally, physically and emotionally prepare yourself for a first date. Break out your favorite date outfit, give yourself a pat on the back for getting out there OR whatever it takes for you personally get excited to meet someone new.
Plan ahead and be ready to keep your evening open if you are having a great date. Don’t allow any errands or to-do’s to cut a perfect evening short. Your mind should be focused on your date, not what you are going to do after it’s over.
Leave Your Baggage at Home
The date is for the two of you, so don’t invite your exes and bad news with you to the conversation. There is a time and a place to dive deeper on your past relationships or hardships in your life, a first date is not that time. Discussing these topics only deter you from having fun and it’s 100% of the time a mood killer.
Be yourself and have fun! Focus on getting to know the person across from you by asking questions to get to know them. And also, be prepared to share your own stories, interests and life experiences to give them the opportunity to get to know you too. This will keep you present and focused on the person in front of you.
Eliminate Distractions
Nothing has the potential to ruin a first date more than a distraction. Whether it’s the TV in the bar, lousy service, or the chimes of a cell phone. All of these distractions can rob you of uninterrupted time with your date. It can take you out of the moment and really influence the flow or connection you and your date may have been having. So do what you can to avoid distractions impacting your date in a negative way.