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Writer's pictureIt's Just Lunch

30 Years of Matchmaking!

We’ve set up first dates for millions of clients worldwide and coached singles through all stages of their dating journeys. Along the way, we’ve learned a few tricks of the trade. Here are some of our matchmakers’ first date tips.

“If you get rejected by someone you were really excited about, here is what to do: Grab a pint of Ben & Jerrys, your flavor of choice, and start making a list of qualities you liked about the partner in question (all positives, no negatives allowed). Once you have completed the list, pin it up somewhere you can see it every day. When you reflect on this list, you won't see the experience as sad- you will be thankful you learned what you like in a relationship and what you want moving forward.” Kate O’Connor, Washington, D.C. Matchmaker

“Go into each date with an open mind. Focus on the person in front of you and what they bring to the table” Vanessa Sescila, Chicago Matchmaker

“Our clients are proactive people who are looking to meet someone of their equal. It is important that you treat every introduction like it could be the person you could potentially spend the rest of your life with.” Kim Rosenberg, Washington, D.C. Matchmaker

“Don't be afraid to put yourself out there! You might get rejected, but you also might find the love of your life.” Casey Calvetta, Cleveland Matchmaker

“Stay connected to your heart. It's easy to get into your head and evaluate what someone is thinking about you, or what you think that person would be like in two years, if you are just trading facts. Instead, connect with your emotions by sharing stories. When someone asks what you like to do, share something funny that happened over the weekend instead of just saying, "I like to hike". I learned this mantra and it's a perfect reminder for dating: "Stories last, facts fade". Take that into your next date and see what happens!”

Julie Labbe, Denver Matchmaker

“Never judge a book by its cover. Read at least chapter 1 and 2 before you close the book. So important as there are 2 types of love. Love at 1st sight and love that is nurtured over time. The more time you spend with them, the more attractive they become. Before you know it, you're head over heels!” Kelly Numair, San Francisco Matchmaker

“Go into each date with an open mind and desire to learn about the person you have been matched with. Aim to be curious rather than critical.” Natalie Fry, Washington, D.C. Matchmaker

“Remember that you are not going to have chemistry with every single person you meet, if you did, it wouldn't feel so special. We would be numb to the feeling we get when we know there is something different and special about a certain someone.” Heather Gair, Denver Matchmaker

We do love a good story, and we can’t wait to be a part of yours.

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1 Comment

Cheryl Brown
Jun 23, 2021

Wow thank you that is so nice to know. I needed to read each paragraph.! This is my first time using a site like this and I am a little nervous. Thank you for the Blog. I want to read and learn as much as I can because well I want it.! Thanks again

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