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Date Coach Jolene

How You Live Affects Your Vibration of Attraction

We already know that first impressions are everything! You’ve now been on multiple dates and are truly enjoying getting to know each other, so now it’s time to take the next step – sharing more about you by inviting them to your home.

Are you ready for that?

And when I say ready - I mean is your house relationship ready?

Does it paint the picture that you have space in your life for someone else?

How you present yourself plays a big factor in how someone views you, the vibrations you give off and how attractive someone finds you-- and this is true for all aspects of life. Realize that this is another opportunity to make a positive impression the minute they walk through your front door.

A home should be a sanctuary - treat yours like one! Think of a home as a 3-D image—if a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine how much more can be interpreted when someone can not only see your space, but also use their other senses like touch and scent to help form an opinion. A messy space can bring questions such as, “Do you have room for someone in your life?” “Are you able to share a space with someone mentally if you can’t physically?” You want to give the impression that you care about your home. A messy home can be perceived as a direct reflection on how you take care of the things that are important to you.

Vibes created by your home

How does your living space look on a daily basis? In this day and age we all have an abundance of “junk” with not enough space for it to land. If you find yourself on the verge of becoming a hoarder with a lack of storage, that’s easy to fix. At times we all struggle to get rid of things – know that this is common and if it becomes overwhelming there are people and approaches, like Marie Kondo, that can help you take back your space. Plus, there are so many functional options in furniture today that come in different styles to fit into any home. These options can alleviate some of the unnecessary clutter that may be unappealing.

Find time in your daily routine to do a quick clean-up of your space. Cleaning up things immediately is much easier than allowing “life’s messes” to build. If home care isn’t fitting into your busy schedule, consider outsourcing to a professional organizer or a housekeeper.

Taking care of your home and how you live will improve your daily sense of living and health, as well as your sending the right vibrations to your relationship! A little effort on a consistent basis will go a long way.

P.S. Think of your car the same way, it's an extension of you and gives off vibrations of attractiveness too! When you are picking someone up for a date – tidy it up, it should be spotless. Emptying trash bags, clothes, or belongings before someone enters will send the right vibe from the beginning.

Jolene Beaton is a nationally renowned matchmaker and dating expert. Her expertise, passion and unique ability to truly understand singles and the complex dating scene have made her a sought-after expert in matchmaking, dating and relationships. Over the past 11 years Jolene has established herself as a leading Dating & Relationship Coach with It's Just Lunch and remains focused on one key goal – helping her clients find love.

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