So, you’ve found your match and put your IJL Membership on hold. Now the question is…when is the right time to announce your new relationship?
If you’ve had the talk with your partner, and you’ve decided that you are in a committed relationship with each other, it’s important to understand the hierarchy of who to announce your relationship to and in what order.
First, any children.
A lot of singles do not want to introduce someone they are dating to their children until it becomes serious. If your partner has yet to meet your children, I would suggest sitting down alone with your kids and sharing the news. This gives you the opportunity to ask them how they would like to meet your partner. Giving your kids the power to decide the circumstances under which they will be introduced makes them feel like they are a part of the process.
Next, family and close friends
This often depends on your age and how close you are to your family. If they are a close friend, they are probably already familiar with your partner so it won’t be a big surprise. Put yourself in their shoes: if the situation was reversed, would you be surprised to see it through social media without being told prior to the posting? If yes, give your friend a call with the good news.
Finally: Making it “Facebook Official”
Not everyone is on social media but "making it Facebook official" is both slang for being in an exclusive relationship in addition to being the actual act of posting your relationship status online. Before posting to your favorite social media sites, have a talk with your partner to make sure you are on the same page. Some people like to keep their romantic life low key online. If both partners agree, both should post within a similar timeframe. Keep it simple, and positive! Don’t use this as an opportunity to put down former partners.
Happy Dating!