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Dating and Age

IJL Team Member

Does love have age limits? Who Is too young, or too old, for you to date? When this question comes up in conversation, someone inevitably cites the “half your age plus seven” rule. But how legitimate is this?

That “rule” addresses the absolute youngest (or oldest if you flip it) you should date according to social norms, but most people prefer to date much closer to their own age.

We know what you’re thinking. Even men? You might be surprised to hear this, but yes. While most of society thinks that men – in general – would prefer a younger woman or “trophy wife”, it turns out that men are more conservative when it comes to choosing a life partner than society gives them credit for.

Many things factor into the appropriate age for your partner:

The Context of the Relationship

  • What your intentions are for the relationship influences the acceptable age range

  • Ages vary depending on whether it is marriage; a serious relationship; falling in love; or a casual relationship

  • If someone is looking to marry, they usually stay within a few years of their own age

  • Being in similar stages in your life brings compatibility for the long-term success of your relationship

  • If they are more interested in a fling or having fun, the age of their partner isn’t as important

The Timing of the Relationship

  • It doesn’t matter now but will it matter later?

  • As you get older, a younger partner may resent having to deal with the health issues of old age long before their time

  • Retirement can be another issue. An older partner may become frustrated if they are unable to enjoy their free time because their significant other is still in the workforce.

  • Many people fear spending the last years of their life alone if their partner was significantly older.

Your Gender can affect your perspective

  • Men and Women feel differently about age gaps

  • Women prefer to keep their dating partner’s age closer to 3-5 years away from their own age.

  • Men are more open, preferring partners within 5-10 years.

At the end of the day, there are no set rules. Many people have very different priorities, so “half-your-age-plus-seven” is not one-size-fits-all. Successful relationships are based on mutual understanding and connection.

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