Dating is a process, and not everyone has a sweetheart when February 14th rolls around. Here are 9 tips to get you through Valentine's Day!
1. Buy yourself a nice bottle of wine. Two Buck Chuck is a glorious thing, but do like Beyonce says and upgrade every once in a while. Who says you’re not worth a $20 bottle every now and again? Because you are.
2. Watch movies that you know a significant other would scoff to death if you ever tried to watch in their presence. Cheesy 90’s teen flicks work really well here. The Notebook does not.
3. Throw a little extra cash in the coffee shop tip jar in the morning. Say thank you to the guy bagging your groceries — and mean it. Little things add up, and will boost your mood like crazy.
4. Spend a little extra time at the gym. Take a class you’ve always wanted to try, but never thought was in your comfort zone. Kill time in the steam room. Endorphins work wonders!
5. Call up your parents and ask them about how they met, or ask your coworker how they met their spouse, or talk to the friend who’s in the kind of relationship you usually find yourself pining over. It may seem bittersweet to torture yourself over not having found “the one” yet, but their stories will usually have the narrative that the right person is worth waiting for. Don’t settle for someone just because you want them for one day out of the year.
6. Pull out a notebook and write down what you’re looking for in a partner. Really put it all out there with no specific person in mind. It will really help clarify that the right person is worth waiting for. Just keep in mind that no one will ever have every quality on it!
7. Clean your “house”. We don’t mean dusting! Consider what may be holding you back in finding your match and create a plan to eliminate those roadblocks.
8. Remember that it is just one arbitrary day out of many, and a little winged child with sharp sticks does not define love. Love is what you make of it. When you do meet somebody, you can celebrate being together then. A date on the calendar might be nice, but really, has nothing to do with the concept of affection.
9. Buy as much half-priced candy as you can on February 15th. Just because it’s wrapped in pink and red foil does not mean it’s gone bad. And consumerism’s blatant surplus is your gain, my friend. Enjoy.