The holidays can be stressful enough, but throw in a new or budding relationship, and it can make even Santa squirm! We’re often asked, “Are the holidays a good time to meet someone new -- or should singles wait until the new year?”
It depends. The holidays can be fun and festive -- and there are certainly more opportunities to meet someone, thanks to the many celebrations and parties. However, the holidays can also be overwhelming and there are a lot of distractions. If you’re not truly ready to focus on someone new, then you may want to hold off and just have fun until after the first of the year. Here are some “do’s and dont’s” for singles and couples to navigate all of the holiday hoopla.
Mingle as a Single
Just because you don’t have a date doesn’t mean you have to be a Grinch.
DO: Do get out and accept invites to all of the different events you may be invited to! You never know -- you may meet someone! We always advise our clients to break out of their comfort zone. You’re never going to meet someone new if you go to the same places and do the same things.
DON’T: Don’t give in to the holiday blues! The holidays may make you feel lonely, but nothing can bring you out of a “funk” like being around new people. Keep busy and pamper yourself. Focus on the positive -- because positivity is attractive!
Office Party Etiquette
Let’s start with office parties! Whether yours is a low-key affair or a big “to do”, it can often be intimidating for a new date to meet your co-workers.
DO: Consider whether this will actually be fun for your date! A bunch of people standing around talking shop may not be his or her idea of a good time. If your “new honey” will enjoy it, then by all means, take them as your “Plus One”. If not, they'll probably be relieved if you let them off the hook, explaining it'll be easier on both of you that way.
DON’T: On the flip side -- don’t be offended if your new date doesn’t take you to their office party either. It doesn’t mean the relationship is doomed!
Meeting the Family
Family and romance don’t always mix -- so make sure you and your date are really ready to take that next step!
DO: Do try to impress the host -- whether it’s a mom, an aunt, or a cousin! Putting your best foot forward by bringing either a hostess gift, a dish to share, or even offering to clean up isn’t just good manners, but it also shows respect for your date and their family!
DON’T: Don’t overstay your welcome! A family dinner can be exhausting enough -- let alone an entire weekend. Make sure you’re taking breaks to spend time alone. Taking a breather from your family will make it more enjoyable for you both.
Gift Giving
Gifts could be the trigger to sending a budding relationship into a nosedive! So...
DO: Do talk about gift giving ahead of time so that you’re both on the same page! It would be awkward -- and feelings could be hurt -- if one gets a gift and the other doesn’t. Having the same expectations is always a plus!
DON’T: Don’t go overboard buying your date presents or he or she may think you are more serious than you actually are.
What’s the key to successful dating through the holidays and beyond? It all comes down to clear expectations! Make sure you’re communicating with each other and respect each other’s time and traditions. And don’t forget to take some time for yourself too. By looking out for yourself -- and your significant other -- you can make the holidays and beyond merrier.