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Change of Season? Change it up!

IJL Team Member

Changing of the seasons can bring renewal and fresh starts -- especially for those who might find themselves in a relationship slump. Now is the perfect time to clear the clutter and get your love life in order.

Delete those Duds

If you’re holding onto exs or old flames, meeting someone new might never happen. Go through your phone and delete any numbers or emails of former flames. Get rid of that security blanket so that you can truly make a fresh start.

In with the New

You want to be the best date you can be, so start by taking care of yourself first. Get a new outfit, a new pair of shoes, a new haircut. The more confident you feel and look, the more excited you’ll be about getting out there again.

Throw Away Negative Thoughts

Throw away any thoughts you have that “you’re never going to find anyone” or “it’s just too hard to meet people”. Practice being positive and open yourself up to new possibilities.

Reorganize Your Routine

Push yourself out of your comfort zone. If you’ve been going to the same gym or coffee shop and haven’t met Mr. or Ms. Right yet, you’re not going to. Find something that you’ve always wanted to do… and do it! Go to new places. Try different activities. Find a way to enjoy the change of season. It’s all about opportunity and putting yourself in a place where you can take advantage of it. You have to be proactive because no one is just going to come knocking at your door.

Dust Off Your Date Chatter

If you’ve gone on dates that felt more like job interviews, then dust off your date chatter or conversation skills. At It’s Just Lunch, we match our clients based on common interests and goals, so that when they meet for the first time, they can hit the ground running when it comes to getting to know each other. They can make a much stronger connection. So stop asking the same questions or falling into the same bad conversation habits -- for instance, don’t talk about your ex or laundry list of small talk / background questions.

Take a fresh look at your love life with each new season, or do it when you feel like you’re stuck in a rut. Change is good when it inspires us to stretch and grow.

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