It always helps to have a couple of topics in mind or a few questions handy should your conversation ever fall into a lull. If that happens, don't get weird! In fact, it's a great opportunity to change the subject and ask one of the questions you had stored away. Alternately, if you just acknowledge it by saying something like "Are we having one of those weird silent moments?" your date will likely laugh and that will put you both at ease.
Need a little help with some clever conversation? Check out these places to start:
Find out what they like to do in their free time.
Talk about your travel experiences - trips you've been on or places you'd like to visit and why.
Mention current (non-political) events or news. Ask your dates what they think about a topic.
Talk about where you grew up, your family, then ask about theirs.
Ask about their favorite sports teams, movies, plays and books.
Talk about something exciting in your life. A high school reunion, a promotion, a new home.
Notice something positive about your date (nice hair, eyes, an expression or gesture) and compliment them on it.
Ask a fun question like, "If you could change places with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?"
Mention something beautiful or touching you've seen or experienced in the past week. Even if it was just in a movie!
Talk about the things you're most passionate about, from volunteering at a homeless shelter to your 1990's hip hop CD collection.
Ask about their dreams for the future. This will get them excited (but don't turn this into a deal breaker).
Conversation Killers:
Try not to say things just to please or impress and stay away from sensitive or taboo subjects such as religion or politics - at least on the first few dates. Avoid talking about the following:
Ex-anything. Leave your past relationships in the past for the first date
Other people you're dating
Personal topics like cosmetic surgery, medical history, or "if only I could lose 10lbs"
Marriage, or your plans for a large family
Superficial things such as an interest in money or that sexy little Porsche you just bought
How much you pay (or get) in alimony
Controversial political topics, or politics at all. This topic is better left for a later date.
Name dropping, bragging, or showing off in general.