Pivot Your Perspective: Time For A Pulse Check
As you are beginning this new journey into a temporary stay-at-home life, there are two ways you can approach it. The first is that...
Trending: Social Distancing and Creating New Opportunities In Dating
We believe in the power of opportunity, bringing singles together and being a part of their love story. So, let’s be honest, COVID-19 is...
How You Live Affects Your Vibration of Attraction
We already know that first impressions are everything! You’ve now been on multiple dates and are truly enjoying getting to know each...
Dress to Feel Your Best
A good first impression is key to wowing your date and ensuring an invitation for another. What better way to do that than dressing to...
A New Year, New Possibilities
The new year is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and make fresh goals for the year to come. However, we also know that life...
Can You Really Meet Someone Special During the Holiday Season?
It’s the most wonderful time of the year—and the busiest! Amid the hustle and bustle of office parties, tree trimming, and family...
From Desktop to Tabletop
How we look is a direct reflection of how we feel. It affects how we behave in our lives and what others think of us. Knowing what to...
You’re Not Interested, What’s Next?
When we start a new relationship, we are always optimistic that this one will be “the one” that sticks. The one where happily ever after...
Time for A Second Date, Denver
IJL has made the first move for you – now it’s your turn. That first date was a success, you hit it off – what’s next? Planning the...
Why It's So Easy to FALL in Love in the Fall
Summer is always fun, but Autumn is when things really start to heat up, at least romantically. With a new season, there is always a...