Tips for a Successful First Date
Picture yourself on a first date. Is it starting off with easy conversation that becomes effortless and fun the more you talk?...
Dating After A Loss
No matter how much time has passed, the pain and grief of losing a spouse or partner will always be there. Navigating the dating world...
Five Things Successful People Do In Relationships
As a busy professional, you focus on success in business. But do you focus on that same thing in your relationships? Here are key...
Why Boundaries in Relationships are Key to Success
Setting boundaries is an important part of any relationship, but is especially important with a romantic partner. I understand that this...
Has Anyone Ever Told You That You Are “Too Much” or “Over The Top”?
If so, read on….. People with passionate or intense personalities can make wonderful partners. Their enthusiasm for life can be...
New Year, New You, New Love!
The new year brings an opportunity to reset; to evaluate where we are in our lives and to set goals for the future. Research tells us...
Are you looking for a good date, or a good partner?
In today’s world of instant gratification, most daters surveyed have a one-and-done attitude. These singles are looking for that magical...
Q&A With Jolene
ASK JOLENE Q: Jolene, why am I not meeting anyone that I want to date on my own? I have tried online dating but it feels like a lot of...
The Art of Flirtation
Flirting is an effective and fun way to let someone know you are interested. Flirting is meant to be playful, and can be conveyed not...
You Are Interested. Now What?
You're on a great date. You're interested. How do you make that second date a reality? The first time meeting someone is always a little...