Weddings and the “Plus One” Dilemma
We’ve all been there. A wedding invitation arrives for you and “a guest”, and your single self panics a bit. The inevitable questions...

What is Chemistry?
This is what most all IJL clients strive for in a match, but what is this really? Everyone is looking for someone they can share a...

Positivity and Dating
Having a positive attitude is beneficial in any aspect of life, but is especially necessary in order to be a successful dater. There’s no...

LADIES ONLY: What Men Look For on a First Date
Through the years we've talked with thousands of men about what they look for in a first date. A 38-year old CEO gave us this checklist,...

MEN ONLY: What Women Look For on a First Date
Wondering what really scores high with women? Here's a checklist we gathered from a number of women that may give you some insight: Does...

First Date Conversation Starters
It always helps to have a couple of topics in mind or a few questions handy should your conversation ever fall into a lull. If that...