Change of Season? Change it up!
Changing of the seasons can bring renewal and fresh starts -- especially for those who might find themselves in a relationship slump. Now...

6 Things to Keep an Open Mind About When Dating
Dating can be fun and exciting. Who doesn’t love getting dressed up for the possibility of meeting someone amazing who puts your stomach...

The dreaded "Friend Zone" and how to avoid it
In this digital era of “friending”, it’s usually a good thing to be “friended” from the start! But when it comes to dating, that friend...

Men vs. Women: 10 Most Desired Traits
Have you ever made a list of top characteristics that you are looking for in perfect date? Many daters like to qualify the things they...

6 Tips for Dating This Spring
Spring is in the air and for a lot of people, it feels like the PERFECT time to meet someone new. How do you put your best foot forward?...

Dogs as Date Bait: It works!
Sure, our furry, four-legged best friends can sit, stay and fetch... but did you know they can also help us find romance? A new study...

Valentine's Day Survival Guide
Dating is a process, and not everyone has a sweetheart when February 14th rolls around. Here are 9 tips to get you through Valentine's...

Making Un-Resolutions for 2017
Looking for love in 2017? Start by looking in the mirror! The secret to meeting Mr. or Mrs. Right may not be in making New Year's...

Your Dating Questions, Answered!
There are singles everywhere. So where are the best spots to connect with them? If you’re looking for someone new, you can meet him or...

Dating As a Single Parent
So you’re a single parent, and you’ve decided to date. And we’ll be honest: dating as a parent presents different challenges and...