In the workplace, most professionals arm themselves with the best tools to accomplish their goals. They do their research. They often reach out to experts for additional assistance. They establish a plan and put in the work to reach their objective.
Dating isn’t that different. To be successful, you must equip yourself just as you would with any goal-oriented project. The only difference is that the goal is not a successfully completed task or an accolade from your boss, but a fulfilling and meaningful relationship. Our IJL Date Smart Coaching can help get you there!
Our program includes:
• customized one-on-one private coaching sessions
• personalized discovery assignments
• follow-up action plans
Your IJL Date Smart Coach will make sure you are applying the strategies in a way that will accelerate your results while customizing the steps to your unique dating needs.

We will help you understand and identify your dating/relationship history and patterns, as well as advise you on your current dating persona based on feedback from your dates. Perhaps, like many people, you experience difficulty in opening yourself up. Or maybe you put too much out there, too fast. Based on your personal needs, we will work with you one-on-one to figure out what is creating a roadblock in your dating success and help you remove it!
Like so many things in life, you need a PLAN! We’ll help you create a vision for what you want in your future relationship, and give you the tools to attract and keep the person of your dreams.
We’ve all had that date where we feel the connection, walk away thinking “this is something!”, and yet it doesn’t evolve. We’ll teach you how to navigate the process of getting second dates and how to connect with anyone, anytime and anywhere.

So, you’ve found someone you like. A lot. What’s next? Learn how to recognize long-term potential in a new relationship and how to take that relationship to the next level.
Set yourself up for best success! Call your Matchmaker with any questions or to discuss how Date Coaching can enhance your dating and matchmaking experience.